Please select a day and the time period you wish to book.
- NOTE to book multiple days please repeat the booking process.
- The time period select means you cannot select multiple days.

Arena Hire Fees
$25 per hour per horse for Non Members
$15 per hour per horse for Arena Members
$30 for arena Membership (forms available from the office)
Contact the office for large bookings or clinics
Our Arena is in use Monday to Friday 8am – 2pm
Please book outside of these times unless arrangement has been made prior.
The Club House is available for hire separately.
Suitable for groups of up to 30 people. Full kitchen and 2 Bathrooms. With tables chairs and white boards. Great for Pony club unmounted evening sessions or AGMs.
Contact the office to discuss your groups needs.
PAYMENT TO : SBS Bank Hastings
ACCOUNT # : 031355 0680425 15
Payment must be made on the day of use. It is to be left in the Honesty Box provided in the arena, put in a named envelope or pay online into the above bank account. Failure to do so will result in an arena ban.
Please note the car park light is on a movement sensor and will come on automatically. The arena light is the large switch on the pole above the control box.
I acknowledge that riding and being with horses has an extreme element of danger.
I understand the possibility that any horse or rider, or spectator may have an accident, mishap or suffer serious injury while riding on and/or watching equestrian sports. Therefore, upon entry to the property, I agree to indemnify (not hold) Hastings RDA, hirees, or coaches, organisers of lessons or clinics responsible or liable for any injury, accident, cost, damage, or compensation while on this property.